What You Need to Know About Buying A Foreclosure

Being prepared financially and mentally are key from daveramsey.com As the number of foreclosures in your area grows, you may feel the urge to jump into real estate as part of your investment strategy. Real estate investments done right can give you higher returns than mutual funds, but they require a lot more time and trouble. Be sure you’re prepared financially and mentally before plunking down your cash. Financially, you should: Be debt-free Have a full emergency fund of 3–6 months of expenses Be investing 15% into retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s and/or IRAs Have cash to fund your real estate deals Mentally, you need to: Educate yourself about the foreclosure process Understand your real estate market Be patient about finding good deals What’s A “Good Deal?” In real estate, money is made at the buy. You can consider it a good deal if you get it for 80% of market value minus the cost of repairs. For e...