Suburban, Urban or Rural: Which is Right for You?

If you're unfettered by a particular job in a particular locale, deciding where to live isn't as easy as it may seem. Often, a battle ensues between our heads and our hearts. And the real estate mantra of "location, location, location" does nothing to help us decide which location we might prefer – the city, suburbs or a rural setting. Whether you think that life on a farm is right for you or a penthouse view may be more to your liking, let's take a look at suburban, urban and rural environments to see if we can shake loose a decision. Suburban Ah, the 'burbs. Although Cicero referred to the hillside homes of Rome's wealthy residents as "suburbani," the suburban boom exploded in the U.S. during the 1950s, a by-product of both World War II and the baby boomer generation. Returning soldiers, waving their G.I. Bill authorizations (now known as the VA loan), were met by more-th...